Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Anyone go Clippers

2 weeks has always been significant in my life. rain also. everything that has been major in my life has taken two weeks or is coming in two weeks. and rain. it is always rainy when major things happen too. i think that it is a deep and fundamental symbol or God's way of telling me to pay attention or something. anyways it has been rainy here in az and i had a mri and shuntigrahm yesturday. We found that the shunt is not working and my tumor is bigger than it was in 2005 when they first had the surgery so in 2 weeks i will be going in for a 3 surgery with the need of a possible 4th afterwards. Hope the tumor is still benign. Hope they get it all this time and I hope they don't hit too many wires that i need or can't recover from. Man and i liked my new blonde hair so much. Anyone got clippers?


Sabra said...

Thank you for keeping me updated. Rain is very symbolic for me, too!

teamBoo said...

i've got to see this new do...

rain is a gift. you are lucky to have slowed down to see and enjoy that ;)

Dana said...


You are in my thoughts and prayers. Keep us updated on how things go - I wish I were closer to come see you and just be there for you - I love you Mandy. Hang in there - you are one tough cookie!

Brianna Tuckett said...

I am truly sorry to hear that you are having such health problems, but I do believe that if anyone can overcome its you! I really do mean that. I also wanted to tell you that your kids are so beautiful!! What a blessing that must be to have them! I am glad that you have found a good life (aside from the whole tumor thing :) I know we didn't always get along the best but I do admire you strength amidst all of this. I wish you the best!!!!